Animals also have interesting souls

Hare who “will love to die”

It can be said that the hare is the most gentle animal in the animal kingdom. All animals want to attack it, but it is not an enemy of any animal. Its characteristic is to hide and hide, and it is born with extraordinary ability to avoid danger. It will choose to rest in a place with a good view; it has excellent eyesight, a keen sense of smell, and a pair of downwind ears; it will grind its front teeth to alert its companions; it will run away in a jagged route, even the fox will be confused; Its brain allows it to run at full speed when it perceives danger, and disappears like a meteor when frightened; it always jumps far away when it leaves or returns to its nest, so that what it left behind The smell and trace will disappear at a distance from the nest. God has given them well-functioning senses and muscles, as well as many instinctive tricks that allow them to avoid enemies in a clever way.

However, when the hares are in the breeding period, they will succumb to the instincts of the animals and throw their self-preservation instincts out of the blue. At this time, the originally cautious hare will become reckless and fearless, exposing himself in the open all day. The male rabbit ran around looking for the shy female rabbit. Once the two sides met, they started chasing me in circles. If you encounter a rival in love, it must be a fight, whether it is a boxing with the front paws or a kick with the hind legs, all greet the opponent. When both sides are exhausted by running and fighting all day, they will sit on the ground and stare at each other for a while, and then one of them will suddenly jump up and sprint towards the grassy place, without the graceful ease of jogging in normal days. , The leaping posture gives people a sense of rampage. These “crazy for love” hares are desperate and want to let the whole world see themselves. Male rabbits are uninhibited by nature and never settled indoors. He may just have a relationship with a female rabbit, but then he has a new love.

Male fur seal keen on “grabbing relatives”

Male fur seals are like domineering bandit leaders, they have only one criterion for love: grab it and finish.

In early May, male fur seals arrived on the shores of the archipelago one after another. They are huge, full of fat and oil, and their physical fitness is at the peak. After landing, they each look for a few square meters of “feng shui treasure” on the beach, and are ready to defend this piece of land. Fight for the territory. At this time, wars were burning everywhere, and no male fur seal dared to leave the territory temporarily without defending. Therefore, for several weeks, they did not eat or drink, or even dared to sleep!

Female fur seals have a docile personality and are only about one-fifth of their mates. They arrive a month later than males, but they will encounter “mobs” as soon as they land. Each male sea dog wants to grab a few more wives. Although they will only threaten and seduce them, they will not move rough, but the male sea dogs beat each other all day long, making the female sea dogs restless.

Even if a certain pair of fur seals are married, another male fur seal may come to “grab the relatives” at any time, grab the bride’s neck and drag it back to his own country. And the male fur seal who had lost his wife had no choice but to persuade another new female fur seal to follow him.

A hare loves lifelessly, a male fur seal has no bottom line in love. However, the black vole is the least bottom line. Although the black voles have a strong family concept, they always seem to live in pairs. The male voles can usually get along with their wives and children, but if they feel that they are wearing a “green hat”, they will eat all their illegitimate children. Drop.

Parent mammal

The interesting thing about mammals is not only that they fall in love, they also play the roles of father and mother. For example, a female fur seal can accurately find her child from hundreds of small fur seals. If other fur seals want to approach it, they will be driven away.

Sea dog couples spend most of their time doing their own activities, but if they have children, they will often meet and even take them for a walk. This is simply the “three lucky treasures” of the animal world.

Beavers live in pairs and practice monogamy. It takes a long time for little beavers to grow up to adulthood. During this period, they all seem to lead a happy family life.

Of course, there are also “big-hearted” mammal mothers…in the awake state, female dormouses are good mothers who can take care of their babies. However, dormouses born to female dormouses conceived later in the year have a very high mortality rate because their mothers hibernate before they can be raised.

Parenting behavior of otters

Otters, such large mammals, are in an unfavorable environment and can still hold their ground and continue to survive. How do they do it? They live by water, they have fewer enemies and less risk; in addition, their good habit of not being picky eaters is also a big help. Their brains are bright, sensitive, muscular, and energetic. It is by virtue of these advantages that they continue to survive on large tracts of land in Europe and North America.

Otters have two other qualities that are superior to others: adapting to the wandering lifestyle and the meticulous parenting behavior of the otter mother.

Many creatures have carefully hidden nests, and there are several otters, each with a distance of 10 to 12 meters, and it travels from one nest to another at night, wandering around most of the time. “It is always erratic. It can be described as a’gypsy in the carnivorous eyes.” Such a capable otter will be helpless in the long and harsh winter. At this time, not only the lake freezes, but the wild birds also move elsewhere. Otters have the spirit of “man will conquer the sky.” As long as they find a hole in the ice layer, they dare to go into the water to fish. It is said that they can always return to the original hole fascinatingly and will not drown under the ice because they lose their way.

Otters usually give birth to one child a year, and when the children are two months old, the mother will take them into the water, allowing the little otters to gradually adapt to life in the water.

Otter mothers give their children rich and comprehensive education. They will tell the children some special meanings of the sound, they will punish the reckless or reckless little otters, they will continue to train them to swim until they are proficient, and they will also teach them how to ambush in the water on the shore of the pool, leaving only their nostrils exposed. They teach the art of foraging, including how to catch trout, how to catch frogs, and strictly require children to observe “table etiquette”. Eel must start from the tail, and trout should be head first. The frog must be peeled before entering.

The long and meticulous education may be the main reason for the success of otters, but they are always entertaining in the process, not only because the little otters are happy and playful by nature-learning to face the heavy problem of survival without knowing it, but also because Otter mothers will play with the children, as if they can also get happiness from it. The same scenes appear year after year. Perhaps this is one of the secrets of keeping young otters. Those who live and work in the forest say that otters are “the most playful creature God created on the land.”

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