Should I eat eggs? how to eat?

For a long time, eggs have been a hot topic in nutrition. Some people regard eating an egg a day as a standard nutritional supplement, but others think that the yolk has higher calories and cholesterol, so they choose to abandon the yolk and eat only the egg white. So how much eggs should you eat? Should I eat egg yolk?

Today, we will pay attention to eggs together and learn about the science of eggs.

To prevent cardiovascular disease, should avoid eating egg yolk?

Recently, the Journal of the American Heart Association published a viewpoint paper entitled Cardiovascular Harm From Egg Yolk and Meat: More Than Just Cholesterol and Saturated Fat, explaining the potential cardiovascular hazards of egg yolk and meat:

The increase in cardiovascular hazards is not only due to the higher cholesterol and saturated fat content of egg yolk and meat, but also because of the rich phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) in egg yolk and the rich carnitine in red meat. It is transformed into the harmful metabolite trimethylamine by the intestinal flora.

Based on this, the article recommends that egg yolks and red meat should be avoided in order to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke, and meat intake should be restricted. Since impaired renal function interacts with toxic metabolites of the intestinal flora such as trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), this recommendation is especially important for people with impaired renal function [1].

Eggs: an eternal “debate”

In fact, the discussion about how much eggs should be eaten, and how to eat them, is not only often disputed in academic circles, but people also circulate an inappropriate claim that eggs are “fat”, and they are afraid to eat eggs when they are sick.

Research on reports that eggs have a positive or neutral effect on health:

A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (ACJN) in 2015 found that the increased intake of eggs in Finns was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The effect of dietary choline on plasma choline levels was not found, and TMAO had no effect. Significantly increased

A study published by Heart in 2018 analyzed the data of about 500,000 people and found that eating eggs per day (approximately 0.76 eggs/day) is associated with a reduction in CVD risk compared with not eating eggs or eating less eggs;

The results of a prospective cohort study published on AJCN in 2019 showed that middle-aged and elderly men in Eastern Finland did not find a significant association between the intake of eggs and cholesterol and the risk of stroke.

A prospective cohort combined analysis study published by BMJ in 2020 showed that egg intake (above ≥1 egg per day compared with less than 1 egg per month) has nothing to do with the risk of CVD;

A prospective study published by AJCN in 2020 involving more than 170,000 people from 50 countries found that higher egg intake (≥7 eggs per week) and lower intake (less than 1 egg per week) ) There is no significant difference in blood lipids, CVD risk and mortality;

Of course, there are some studies that report the adverse health effects of eggs:

A study published by JAMA in 2019 pointed out that in the U.S. population, more dietary cholesterol or egg intake will increase the risk of CVD or death. Every additional 300mg of dietary cholesterol or half an egg per day is associated with CVD or occurrence. The increased risk of death is significantly related;

A study published by PLoS Medicine in 2021 followed more than 500,000 Americans for about 16 years and found that eating half an egg a day was associated with a 7% increase in all-cause mortality, CVD mortality, and cancer mortality;

The results of a prospective cohort study published by Clinical Nutrition in 2021, after many years of follow-up of more than 7000 adults, found that compared with subjects who did not consume eggs, the number of subjects who consumed ≥3 eggs per day The risk of type 2 diabetes is significantly increased.

It can be seen that there are endless researches on eggs, and the conclusions are also inconsistent. The combination of these studies may make everyone more confused about the question of whether eggs can be eaten and how much to eat. So should you eat eggs?

Eggs: to eat or not to eat?

After referring to relevant literature and after my own deliberation, I believe that most foods including eggs are not good or bad, and whether or not to eat and how much to eat need to consider their current physical conditions and circumstances such as cultural background and economic level.

Egg protein has a high biological value, an appropriate ratio of amino acids, and is easily digested and absorbed. It is a high-quality protein and is regarded as a “reference protein” in nutrition.

Therefore, for people who are in good health, you can adopt the recommendation of the Chinese Nutrition Society, an average of one egg a day. In addition, it is worth noting that there are many factors that affect cardiovascular health. In addition to a balanced diet, you must also ensure good sleep, appropriate exercise, and adjust psychological stress. Only a multi-pronged approach can achieve better physical and mental health, rather than simply relying on food. Avoid eggs to solve the problem.

However, in special circumstances or diseases, it is recommended to listen to the professional opinions of a doctor or clinical dietitian on the precautions of diet. For example, patients with acute pancreatitis may need to limit fat and cholesterol intake according to the condition of the disease in the early stage of onset. Temporary restriction of egg yolk will be considered, but you can eat a few more egg whites to supplement body protein to avoid or slow down muscle loss.

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, it is also possible to eat eggs appropriately, but it is recommended to eat 1 egg every 1 to 2 days. At the same time, pay attention to the thickness of the grains to ensure adequate intake of vegetables and fruits, and achieve a balanced diet .

In addition, eggs are a common food allergen, and those who are allergic to it are also advised to temporarily avoid eggs.

The debate about eggs will certainly continue. But no matter what, I will continue to enjoy the gift of the hen-high-quality and cheap eggs.

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