
Is there any scientific basis for prenatal education?

In recent years, prenatal education has become very popular. Many people disagree that the fetus can also receive education. They believe that the fetus is only getting nutrition to maintain its growth in the mother’s body, and prenatal education is ineffective. So, what is the truth? Is prenatal education a gimmick of prenatal education institutions or does it have a scientific basis? Let’s take a look at what the truth is like.

To say whether prenatal education is scientifically justified, the first thing to understand is whether the fetus responds to external stimuli. Many expectant mothers have a deep understanding of this. When they are listening to soothing and soft music, the fetus will move more gently. If the expectant parents often communicate and sing to the fetus, the baby will obviously be able to adapt to the new environment quickly after birth. Can interact with parents quickly.

At the same time, modern medicine also believes that the emotional changes of pregnant women, such as emotions such as emotions, will cause physiological changes in the body. Generally, pregnant women have varying degrees of anxiety during pregnancy. When emotions such as anxiety, tension, depression, irritability, dependence, and suspiciousness occur, the various hormones secreted by the endocrine glands controlled by the nervous system will change. It is bound to be affected in the womb. There are reports that pregnant women’s negative psychological factors can exacerbate pregnancy vomiting; if pregnant women are emotionally stressed and anxious, they will cause excessive secretion of their adrenal cortex, which will cause changes in blood chemicals. In severe cases, the fetus will have cleft palate; pregnant women will experience smoking and drinking. Cause fetal malformations.

Someone once counted that if a pregnant woman accidentally falls, although the fetus is protected by amniotic fluid, it will not be injured, but the mother’s worry and anxiety will lead to the production of hormones, and the fetus will be dissatisfied when it is stimulated, thus punching and kicking in the abdomen to protest; When the panic of the pregnant woman is eased, the fetus will gradually calm down. It is generally not recommended for pregnant women to go to places with super high decibels, such as KTV, because such places will also make the fetus uneasy, so that the fetal movement is obviously frequent.

Various signs indicate that different stimuli from outside the mother will affect the fetus. Scientists can now observe the mother’s fetus through technical means and found that there are 14 billion nerve cells in the fetal cerebral cortex, which will no longer increase after birth. In addition, with the development of modern medicine and the emergence of ultrasound, it is scientifically proven that the fetus can also receive education in the mother. The development of the fetus not only affects the child during infancy, but also affects its adulthood. According to scientific research reports in recent years, if the fetus is delayed in utero, it will cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and diabetes in old age. Therefore, prenatal education does have sufficient scientific basis. We must not only realize that prenatal education is reasonable, but also fully realize the importance of prenatal education.

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