
What is the reason why the dog lifts his leg to pee?

The reason why the dog lifted his leg to pee

The little male dog started to urinate in a squat, and he would lift his leg to pee when he was seven or eight months old. When the male dog was old, he would no longer lift his leg to pee. However, some stubborn bitches will lift their legs and pee, but only slightly.

It turns out that there is a smell called pheromone in the dog’s urine. Its concentration is generally only a few millionths, and only people of the same kind can smell it. When other dogs smell it, they know the size, sex, age, and temperament of the peeing dog.

In order to occupy the territory, the male dogs raised one leg and tried to make their urine higher so that the smell would not be easily masked by the urine of other male dogs. In addition, the higher urination also shows that the male dog is stronger and can gain the hearts of the female dogs.

The reason why dogs love to stick out their tongues in hot weather

The body temperature of humans and mammals is constant. For example, humans, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the normal body temperature is around 36.5 ℃, and dogs also have a fixed normal body temperature. However, in the hot season, people can keep a constant body temperature by cooling down by sweating, fanning, etc. Humans and many animals have sweat glands on the surface of their bodies, which secrete sweat, and heat is radiated out of the body through the secretion of sweat. Although the dog has to maintain a constant body temperature, it has no sweat glands on the surface of its body, and its sweat glands grow on the tongue. Therefore, in the hot summer, in order to maintain a normal body temperature, the dog has to stretch out its long, steaming tongue to radiate body heat through the tongue. In fact, even if it is not in summer, dogs are running and fighting, and after their body is hot, they often stick out their tongues to regulate their body temperature by “sweating” with their tongues.

4 major causes of dog body odor

1. Mouth smell: the number one killer of dogs, the most frequently answered question by our doctors in the clinic is why my dog ​​has bad breath? To confirm the diagnosis, a complicated consultation procedure and palpation inspection procedure are required. Here we find Let me introduce the most common diseases.

The first is abnormal food metabolism, poor digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, imbalance of the gastrointestinal flora, and abnormal ammonia smell due to fermentation. At this time, attention should be paid to adjusting the diet and gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, after a dog eats human food, food residues remain in the teeth, making the mouth smell more severe, but such a smell will not remain for a long time, and oral saliva generally flushes the residue into the stomach. The persistent bad breath is often caused by periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is caused by the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar between teeth. Bacteria multiply in the warm and humid mouth to produce sulfur, which is the source of odor. Of course, severe dental calculus can also stimulate the inflammation of the gums and the proliferation of bacteria, which is also one of the causes of bad breath.

Tumors and ulcers in the mouth are also one of the important causes of bad breath. Many sublingual cysts (hematomas) can also cause bad mouth odor.

In the case of dental calculus and gingivitis or oral tumor hematoma, you should find a doctor for further examination as soon as possible to establish a treatment plan, surgery or antibiotic treatment.

2. The smell from the skin: If there is a wound on the pet, the infection will cause the bacteria to multiply, and the smell is very common. In addition, hormonal problems (such as estrus and childbirth), endocrine disorders, etc., can cause abnormal odors in dogs.

Various skin diseases will have a certain abnormal smell or not. Regular examination of the body surface, touching and cleaning are all a way to communicate with babies.

Parasites on the body, biting the skin, causing bacterial infections, or pets’ unusually frequent scratching, will smell bad.

There is often another source of odor. Dogs use their tongues to lick the skin for a long time. The tongue will bring bacteria, saliva and dust to the coat, which can also cause odor.

3. Stomach qi in the body: most of the production of stomach qi is due to food indigestion. At this time, you should eat more foods with low fiber, moderate protein and low fat, or imbalance of the gastrointestinal flora and blockage of the small intestine, which will cause the increase of stomach qi. And the smell of fermentation.

Abnormal odor in ears: The previous issue specifically talked about how to clean the ears, and ear diseases and odors. Here we briefly list a few. Don’t underestimate the small ears. If the ear canal is abnormal, the smell is enough to damage the entire room. It may be bacteria, fungus, mites, otitis externa, otitis media, tumor, infection, etc. It is recommended to go to the hospital for diagnosis first, and then use symptomatic medicine. Finally, with regular care, babies will have healthy ears.

4. Around the eyes or around the anus: Most of the eyes around the eyes are caused by excessive secretion of tear marks and eye scum, and the owner does not clean up in time, leading to eczema or the proliferation of mites or bacteria, resulting in odor. Around the anus, there may be long-term failure to clean the anal glands or the residue of feces after pets defecate, or perianal tumors, traumatic infections, etc., are the source of taste.

If you pass the above patient check and find that there is nothing wrong with your baby, then don’t wait, give your baby a bath, haha, then it really smells a little bit fragrant and soft, it’s the parents Favorite!

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